Omorfia Signature Brow Lamination
$110 | 30 mins
The secret weapon to achieve a full natural brow by using a perm to redirect the brow hairs hairs to fill in any gaps, increase the thickness of the brows or heighten the arch for a more flattering and lifted brow. Also includes Brow waxing, Re-Shaping, Styling, Tweezing, Trimming and to top it off Brow Tint shapes and defines the brows perfectly.
Hybrid Brows
$45 | 35 mins
Hybrid brow sculpt is designed to enhance your existing brows by creating a subtle shape that is tailored to you. Brow dye is applied within the personalised shape created. This service includes Waxing, Shaping, Trimming, Tweezing, Styling, and Dye.
Brow Wax
$30 | 20 mins
Brow waxing, shaping and styling.
Spray Tan
Do you want that Bronzed Europe Tan back in just 5 minutes?
Our Studio Bronzing Tan Sessions are suitable and customised for all skin types!
Using our key ingredient Argan Oil making sure your skin is hydrated and glowing for any occasion !
Studio Bronzed Tan Session
$50 | 15 mins
One person studio Bronzed tanning session
Group of 3
$135 | 30 mins
$45 each for a group of 3 to get bronzed
Group of 5
$175 | 45 mins
$35 each for a group of 3 to get bronzed
What should you do BEFORE your spray tan?
It is essential not to apply any type of perfume, deodorant or body lotions on the day of your treatment as these will reduce theresults
Waxing or shaving should be completed atleast 24 hours prior to reduce sensitivity
The evening before you should exfoliate allover focusing on dry areas of the body such as hands, elbows, knees and feet
Do not book your tanning appointment onthe same day as any activities where excesssweating will occur, or for at least 12 hours after treatment.
Try to wear dark loose clothing for the rest ofthe day
Your tan will begin to develop immediately after your treatment.
What should you do AFTER your spray tan?
Do not shower or bathe for a minimum of 2-4 hours after your treatment
Moisture daily after your treatment to maintain your tan for longer and to ensure even fading
Do not rub but pat your skin dry after showering and bathing
Avoid swimming pools as the chlorine can bleach the tan